Are article spinners a time saver or just a waste of time?

Rewriting content is one of the most efficient ways of creating a presence on the Internet. It gives Internet entrepreneurs the opportunity to submit their content to multiple directories, other blogs and social networks. The whole time, they can offer something fresh and original that every audience will learn to appreciate.

With all great strategies on the Internet, it has inspired the idea to drive efficiency and make the process more productive. Anytime entrepreneurs want to boost their productivity and manage their time better, a clever programmer develops a new software application to make the process more efficient for them. Thus, article spinners were introduced.

Article spinners are applications that simply take an existing piece of content and rephrase it to create a new article that can be used on other sites without triggering Google’s duplicate content checker or violating the terms of service for the sites they are writing for.

In theory, this sounds like a great idea. We have all dreamed about having robots do our work for us at some point in our lives, so in the online world anyways it appears that our dreams have come true. Unfortunately, even in the virtual world, laziness rarely pays off.

The article Why Article Spinning is a Complete Waste of Time discusses some of the drawbacks of this process. First of all, article spinners usually create inane content that could just as easily be written by a blindfolded monkey. They usually don’t change an article much, they just replace words with common synonyms that are easily picked up by search engines but make no sense to the reader.

Also, while they may not read well to users, they are still easily connected to the original piece in most circumstances. Directories and bloggers that have given you permission to submit original content are not usually fooled by them. Some people describe some spinners as being higher quality than others, but in almost all cases a rewrite is still necessary to make the new article work and read well.

Article spinning has also led to a number of ethical concerns as authors try to cheat the system and submit the same article to the same directory repeatedly or even plagiarize other authors content. In the end, it doesn’t matter whether you are trying to fool your viewers or the search engines. It is unlikely to work.

The best strategy is always to simply rewrite your content in a fresh and insightful way. Have faith in your abilities as a writer and recognize that good things always take a little investment of your time.