Google Chrome Browser - On a High

After the downfall of the Internet Explorer 6 in the browser market, Microsoft didn’t faced only the clamouring of the web developers and proprietor but also had to come up with a new upgraded browser as soon as possible. According to the Net Application, IE has always been foremost runner up in the race of the Net Market and then comes Firefox and chrome. Though IE owns more than a half of the market share, it lost one point of share from October’s 59.26% to November’s 58.26% and Chrome gained from 8.47% to 9.27%. Firefox is losing its market share by just insignificant number in points and; it should be worried as the new upgraded browser of IE and chrome are luring its users.

Here are the prominent browser traffic data points from the November Net Applications numbers:

What made the share kick for Chrome is its 7.0, which was launched few months ago. Chrome 7.0 have attracted many users in very short time which made it the second largest monthly usage share gain with 5.64% to a whole 8 percent market share and now 9.27 per cent in the worldwide browser share. Whereas Firefox 3.6 maintains its position as #1 since it gained 6.09% from February to March, 2010. Foremost the accused are users who appreciate Chrome’s speed, Linux compatibility, bookmark syncing and HTML5 compatibility.

In Forrester Research Study, it was found that after the fall of the IE 6 from 41% to 21.01$, IE 8 increased the share of IE by 3.1% to 17.3%. Surprisingly even the users, who had IE 6, did not go for windows 7 but upgraded their browser directly to IE 8.

With More Upgrades

Microsoft after satisfying the users with IE8 browser is optimistic about its new version - Internet Explorer 9. Now being in public beta it has been recorded that from late November it’s been downloaded more than 15 million times. The users are seen to be liking it as its test version only accounts rise from 0.32 percent in October to 0.38 percent of worldwide browser usage which is more than 1.5 times the adoption rate of IE8 beta when it was launched in 2008.

Whereas the news about the Chrome is, that Google has updated chrome to version 8. And it also has some of the significant enhancements like it adds more than 800 bug fixes as well as stability improvements. Chrome 8 also is having amazing features such as it contains a built in PDF viewer that is protected in Chrome’s sandbox.

All thanks to the automatic upgrading system, which doesn’t need any manual procedure to upgrade a browser. Just at a click away, we can adopt to a newer version. Undoubtedly, we can see how numbers of usage rose in short period of time.