Adobe India’s social initiatives

Adobe has always been social and have spear-headed many ways to interact intimately and directly with developers, designers and its users in general. Community engagements was one of the strong point of erstwhile Macromedia and it has sipped down to Adobe in many ways.

Recently, at the Biere Club, Bangalore, there was a small-ish but very interesting meet-up of socio-techno bloggers and user of Adobe Products, organized by Adobe India. It was about good food, entertainment and socializing amongst the participants and Adobe took the opportunity to show-off some of their amazing feature line-ups of Adobe Flash/Flex, with special focus on Molehill, HTML5 and publication to iOS platform. I, particularly, like the way Flash have always pushed forward the doctrine of “Developing applications once and deploying it anywhere.”

Thanks to Adobe and to @Laureen for a nice and fun evening.

Use one tool, one framework and one code base to build powerful experiences and applications across the web, desktop and several mobile platforms.

If you’re a Flash/Flex developer/designer, you should check out Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 to see what you can do with it. Here is a short video providing a guided tour of mobile application development with Flash Builder 4.5.