Key features Google+ needs to challenge Facebook

Within a month of its launch, Google+ is considered to be peril to the current social networking don Facebook. However Google+ needs much more enhancements else it may join the Google’s flop list (Orkut, Buzz & Wave). Albeit, the features of Google+ are stunning and the User Interface is too gorgeous than any existing social network, Google+ is still a half scorched one and it needs striking enhancements to capture the throne from Facebook.

These are some of the enrichments I (the user) require in Google+ (kinda my wishlist):

Don of Search Fails

It’s really pathetic to notice that the Don of all the search engines has failed miserably in providing apt search for its venture Google+. Yes, Google+ offers you to search people only through name but not through graduating college or workplace. This is very frustrating as searching through names couldn’t be optimized thereby searches in Google+ consumes lot of time. If the searches are optimized as in Facebook (search by location, education, workplace) then it will be an efficient boon to the users.

Father of Analytics Fails

Yet again Google fails to include its trademark Analytics (Google practically invented Analytics through Google Analytics) in its Google+. If you are a SproutSocial user like me, then you will feel incomplete in any social network that doesn’t provide Analytics.

Google+ doesn’t show the recent followers or even lost followers, it doesn’t show you who shared your link or clicked on it. It doesn’t illustrate any figures and statistics of your followers, their posts, comments as in SproutSocial. Google must seriously consider this since if Google+ provides analytics then it can easily overpower Facebook which lacks the same.

Befriend Facebook

In this cutthroat environment companies must be Brutus in order to win. When Facebook and Twitter are integrated aptly, the new kid Google+ is left out since its integration with Facebook is too poor. You can share your content from extension of chrome to Facebook and twitter but not the vice versa which is more vital. The recent Facebook Friends Exporter, an extra ordinary App, is blocked by Facebook which now makes you void of ways to import Facebook contacts.

Block ‘A’ Content

Unlike Facebook which is very efficient in blocking and reporting nudity, vulgarity and other inappropriate contents; Google+ doesn’t seem to care about these posts. I recently happened to see lot of nudity pictures and other odious content and stills in Google+. Google+ is not a small name-not-known social network, it is the latest prince of the king Google; Google has a brand name which may be affected or worst ruined if Google doesn’t care about these obnoxious stuffs.

Warn us! After all we are just humans

Google+ doesn’t seem to provide any warning especially while typing erroneous messages. Circles concept is too slick but if you happen forget removing “public : circle” while typing and sharing a private message then you are screwed. Yes, your private message will be shared to all.

Google+ should be enhanced in such a way that it gives warnings at least when the circle is public.

I personally feel these enhancements are essential for Google+ to satisfy the users and also to compete with the social networking don Facebook. What are your expectations from Google+? Share them through comments.


I’m sure you’re already on Google+, if you are those few left out without an invite, let us know and we’ll invite you to Google+.