Mac OS X Lion review by Arstechnica, Graphic Designer’s mistakes and Why you do not need to define “0” a unit in CSS

Mac OS X Lion

Arstechnica did a brilliant, detailed and exhaustive review of Apple’s new Mac OS X Lion – Mac OS X 10.7 Lion: the Ars Technica review. Definitely worth a thorough reading.

From the article, here’s a tip on how to burn a bootable Lion Installation.

10 Mistakes a Graphic Designer Shouldn’t be Making

Charlie Johnson shared a nice article on 10 Mistakes a Graphic Designer Shouldn’t be Making at DesignTaxi.

The Mistakes to avoid;

  1. Working without a design brief.
  2. Ignoring the target audience.
  3. Not maintaining a contract.
  4. Avoiding contact with the client.
  5. Procrastinating.
  6. Not staying up-to-date.
  7. Not starting in black and white.
  8. Pass off plagiarism as inspiration.
  9. Neglecting the power of simplicity.
  10. Lose confidence.

You do not need to define “0” a unit in CSS

I see quite a lot of CSS where the “0” is suffixed with a unit like “px”, “em”. Well, “0” do not have a unit and do not need one. The unit identifier can be omitted if the value is a length (CSS3 Editor Draft). After a zero length, the unit identifier is optional. However, the exception is if ‘0’ is an “angle”, the unit identifier is required. You’ll have to say “0deg”.

Thanks to a Philippe Wittenbergh, an awesome CSS guy (When I’m stuck, he’s my CSS go-to person) for clarification on this one at the CSS-Discuss list.