The changing internet by 2020 - how can we make the most of broadband?

With technology changing by the day it seems likely that come the year 2020 we’ll all be making much more use of the internet in our daily lives. Even today, things have changed immeasurably compared to just a few short years ago when people had to endure the snails-pace Internet delivery of dial-up connections.

So there’s no doubt that the Internet will be a very different place when we get to 2020 and it’s very likely that the technology we’ll be using will be mind-boggling compared to today. Firstly, while many of us are already dabbling in video calls across broadband networks, the future will make this even more advanced than it is now.

Faster connectivity speeds will ensure that you never lose the person at the other end, while the quality is likely to be beyond high-definition. Of course, by this point prices are also likely to have been driven down even more, so better quality cheap internet will be more readily available to more people.

Financial transactions will also be vastly different to the way we use them online now. Security issues should have been finally addressed by this point in time, meaning that we’ll be able to keep pretty much everything to do with our personal and business lives online. If you’ve been skeptical about the safety and security of online transactions, then the future should change all of that. Combined with Near Field Technology as a payment method for goods and services with smartphones, spending our hard-earned cash will be even easier.

The new virtual world delivered by broadband in the year 2020 will also mean that it will revolutionize the way we enjoy our leisure time too. Online gamers will revel in the high-speed connectivity delivered by hugely improved products and services, while streaming of TV and the downloading of movies will be quick and easy too.

Our professional lives will also be transformed as more and more of us use the broadband technology around us to work from home. Those arduous daily commutes will be a thing of the past as we set up shop in a convenient place around the house. The only downside of this is the fact that we will be increasingly easy to contact, and who knows what technology will be in place to keep an eye on us when we’re working or when we’re shirking.

Meanwhile, broadband on the go will be a completely different experience as the mobile networks increase the power and efficiency of their products and services. While mobile Internet has speed and coverage limitations presently, it seems likely that by the year 2020 we’ll all be able to enjoy the same connectivity that many of us currently enjoy at home or at work, no matter what our location.

Of course, technology changes by the day so things could might not necessarily follow that route, but with amazing new broadband infrastructure changes planned by governments and the increasing development of fibre optic networks all over the world, it seems very likely that the planet will be a very different place to enjoy broadband when finally 2020 comes rolling around.