Apple to Greenpeace regarding their New Eco-Chic Data Center Plans, “this should shut you hippies up”

In response to on-going environmental group pressure Apple has decided to go Green. Making it a Green Apple. After years of persecution from groups like Greenpeace (an irony in itself given that many of Greenpeace’s dread-lock-sporting, bored-surbubanite-desperately-looking-for-a-cause Macbook owners) Apple is finally bending to group will and greening one of its largest facilities.

Apple’s data center in Maiden, NC is getting an eco-chic makeover with the largest set of end user-owned, on-site solar arrays in the country. This is in addition to its previous white cool-roof and LEED Platinum certificate from the U.S. Green Building Council, a level unparalleled by any other comparably-sized data center in the U.S notes Apple. The solar-reflective roof deflects much of the facilities cooling needs, a factor reduced again by their chilled-water storage system that allows for the offset of 10,400 kWh of electricity consumption to be transferred from peak to off-peak hours.

In addition to the solar array Apple also has plans in the works for a 20-megawatt renewable energy facility on the 100 acres surrounding the data center. On a personal note, I personally love this ‘that’ll-shut-em-up’ plan. The surrounding renewable energy facility will produce 42million kWh annually.

Perhaps Greenpeace still has their panties in a wad though because Apple still hasn’t announced the supposed date that these new green changes will come online.

Greenpeace, and other enviro-groups re-focused Apple in their cross hairs after Apple’s recently-released report detailing their commitment to environmental excellence. The report detailed the environmental impact of Apple’s worldwide facilities, and included its retail stores, R&D facilities and operations and data centers. The included figures however are a mere ripple compared to the production, transport, use and recycling (or lack thereof) of its products says enviro groups.

One has to wonder though, can you blame a brand for following consumer demand for the production, transport, use and recycling of its products that are sold around the globe in tens of thousands of locations worldwide.

More on Greenpeace’s tech company data center-gripes.