Twitter-Yandex join hands

Social networking site, Twitter is popular with its short messaging tweets. These tweets greet others and let users connect with others on a continuous basis. Twitter has become an attractive source not only for individuals but also for businesses. In fact search engines are also befriending with Twitter. After Microsoft’s Bing association with Twitter, another search engine, Yandex has joined hands with Twitter.

Yandex is a listed IT company at New York Stock Exchange. In addition to search engine services, Yandex develops various internet based products and services. It is ranked No. 5 in search engines with more than 3 billion searches per day. It has its presence in neighboring countries like Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc. The new partnership with Twitter will help Yandex get instant access to new tweets in its search results.

With the advancement in technology, sharing of news and views is happening in real-time, Twitter has spread the platform with all the required tools so that users can readily share their opinions, express their ideas and discuss matters in real-time. In fact, this concept is a big boon for Twitter. In addition to its own strong search capabilities to find users with similar kinds of interests, it is easy to share and connect with likeminded people spread across the globe. Businesses are able to launch their campaigns successfully as it is easy to figure out and target potential customers through Twitter.

Twitter’s association with Yandex will help improve its user base not only in Russia but with Russian population spread around the world. This will definitely add a new dimension for Yandex as they will be able to offer value added services to its loyal users. All the public tweets can be found through the search engine. Users will be able to find all latest tweets as posted on Twitter in real-time. Users can find Twitter posts in blog search and on the website - The new development will definitely enhance its search results. It is interesting to note that Yandex has more than 63% share in the search engine market in Russia. Google has around 23% market share in Russia and it is gradually coming down. Even though Twitter would like to continue its tweets sharing with Google, after the enhancement of Google+, Google has shifted its gears to Google+ in deliverance of social search results.

Yandex’s partnership with Twitter will help its growth as it can take advantage of the tremendous growth of Twitter with more than 100 million active users and more than 400 million visits happening on Twitter every month. The cost of partnership between Yandex and Twitter is not revealed to the public and it was reported that Microsoft paid $30 million for its Bing association. Bing has 3.4 percent of global search engine market share while Yandex maintains 2.8 percent.

Twitter-Yandex deal reveals the importance of micro-blogging platform such as Twitter for real-time communication. It will be interesting to observe how Google will react to this new development. Will Google refine its search engine to attract all kinds of users or will it come up with a comprehensive deal with other networking sites to offer a wide social search results (in addition to Google+) to its users? We may find answers for these questions in the coming months.