Apple’s New iPad - Steve Jobs’ Legacy Continues

Realize it or not, a bit of an Apple a day, keeps the techie in you happy!

The partly bitten Apple is definitely biting big into the profits of its competitors. In the past, it was the iPod & the iPhone. Now, Apple with its stunning upgrades to the New iPad is sending a plethora of chills across the spines of its competitor tablets.

As much as I have studied Apple & the arrogance in its inventions, the 4th generation iPad might not be more than 24 months from it’s release date. However, as of now, most of the populace would be just going gaga about the new feature rich - Apple’s New iPad, which was launched few days back.

Back to the statistical evidences of the content in the 2nd para; it is reported that iPad3 sales crossed 3 million within 3 days after the launch. Phenomenal, I would say! Apple’s New iPad, for sure, has the prospect to become the most symbolic gadget of this year.

Let’s look a bit in detail about the features of Apple’s New iPad.