Facebook Commerce - Concept, Present Lack of Sheen & Reasons

F-Commerce launched with hyper-ambition is losing its sheen. Buoyed by Facebook’s successful track record in the promotion of products and services, it has attracted leading businesses to gamble with F-Commerce in the form of Facebook stores. However, due to negative results there is growing dismay on these stores and the establishments are winding off at a much quicker pace than the pace taken to demonstrate their identity on Facebook stores.

Before condemning the strategy behind the F-Commerce for its perceived failure, it should be remembered that evolving technologies take time to take shape and to consolidate their stand. As a matter of fact, no system is foolproof. While developers and innovative entrepreneurs come with ‘out of the box’ ideas and approach to grab the world of endless opportunities and possibilities, there will be a definitive phase where correction takes place. Consolidation happens once the correction phase ends. The waves of corrections and consolidations will overlap and offer concrete platforms where foolproof systems can be developed and implemented with very high levels of success. As F-Commerce is in the initial phase, it will take time to show its colors and relevance in offering new ways of solutions for businesses to further promote their products and services.

It cannot be denied that there is no success on F-Commerce for all business players. On the other hand, it should be seen in terms of what kind of businesses can benefit through F-Commerce and what kind of business cannot benefit.

However, with the recent fall of hopes by credible major retailers, let us spot the top reasons that led to Failure-Commerce on Facebook stores:

Promotion is not managed by Professionals.

The top reason for failure of online promotion is the lack of knowledge in deployment of resources. Promotions through F-Commerce should be planned, coordinated and managed by a quality professional. By spreading the tasks among a number of professionals, your job is made easy. Those who are assigned to these tasks should have sufficient levels of experience in social media marketing channels.

The Store is not customized as per your Business Domain.

What is successful for one industry may not be successful for another industry. Hence, you are advised not to overspend on a single social media channel. Instead, you can spread your presence on more than one social media channel to gain success on the overall promotional campaign with these strategies.

Failure to present what Customers want.

It is essential that you should be able to find out what your customer want from you. The ability to find out your customer’s requirements will help get the most of your F-Commerce presence. Unless you reach your different segments of customers in different ways, your overall social media success will not be in large scale.

Something special to your Facebook Fans

You have already created loyal fans on Facebook and are able to promote your brand. It is possible to attract and retain new fans and customers by offering special incentives to your loyal customers who are hanging on Facebook with you. This special kind of recognition will ignite a new desire to stick to your product. Your brand visibility increases and you will be able to win the hearts of your customers forever.