Google’s Updated Privacy Policy Angers Europe

People are not unaware of Google’s Privacy Policy being updated every now and then. The latest version of its privacy policy that was unleashed on March 1st, 2012, has made it the centre of a huge controversy amongst the European nations. Some of the rules that have been included in this policy have fallen under severe scrutiny and are being investigated by the EU data verification authorities. France has accused these rules of Google’s Privacy Policy to be a violation of the European Laws.

The primary condition of the Privacy Policy of Google that was tagged as unacceptable by CNIL, the Data Protection bureau of France was the latest attempt of Google to pool the data accumulated from each and every individual user from all the major sites such as YouTube, Google+, Gmail etc, that are governed by Google. This undoubtedly would make Google liable to use the gathered information to monitor the search results, manipulate advertising in accordance to the interests of the individual users and make similar other uses. France had written a letter to Google stating that the CNIL and EU data authorities have not taken lightly to the invasion of user’s privacy and combining the collected information from users to satisfy the benefits of Google.

Before devising the completed version of its privacy policy, Google had promoted the change in its Privacy Policy to be a positive one. It had declared that the new Privacy Policy would be the amalgamation of 60 policies into a comprised single. The glitch however, was the fact that even if some of the users did not consider this improved policy up to their taste, they would be obligated to continue under it if they wished to continue to keep using the services provided by Google.

All these hue and cry over its Privacy Policy could have come at a more delicate time for Google. As it tries its best to maximize its profits via targeting users with advertisements while maintaining its services of being the unique search engine which effectively provides free of cost searches, emails and other services, its Privacy Policy is sure to spell very difficult times for Google ahead. As Google treads on dark waters with its new version of Privacy Policy, the US Federal Trade Commission has started researching on rank in which Google delivers its search results and if there lies a possibility that it favors its own endorsed products over that of others.

To defend its Privacy Policy, one of the esteemed members of Google’s global privacy counsel reverted back saying that it does not matter what rules and regulations are included in the future policies of Google, the main focus would always remain on Google’s unfailing commitment to uphold the privacy principles of its users. He further added that all their Privacy Policies have always been simple and transparent and have never been created with the intention of disrespecting the data privacy laws of any country. However, the EU authorities have clearly announced that before companies such as Google, Yahoo or Facebook decides to get hold of any personal data of its users and offer it to various businesses to double their profits; they would have to ensure that they have the permission of the users to do that.