Y Combinator’s new Gambit is the ultimate founder dating & recruiting manna

There’s been quite an array of reactions to the new move by Y Combinator when they announced the application for startup entrepreneurs sans the idea of a Business or a Product. As a ‘Startup Entrepreneur’, my spontaneous reaction, wrapped in a tweet was, “any entrepreneur or founder eager to do a Startup will be brimming with ideas.”

However, on a second look at YC’s initiative, I realized this is a brilliant gambit - YC is ready to take a much bigger albeit calculated risk for a long term winning move. Here’s why.

Silicon Valley is already pack with people who can do much more than most normal people would even dare to dream. I can equate this to being the ‘Supermen’ in one of Monty Python’s popular Bicycle Repairman. Eventually, it’s really hard to find a Bicycle Repairman in Silicon Valley - you’ll find more of Supermen than the ones that would do the grit of the work for someone else.

Now, add to that, the recent Facebook IPO and the breed of millionaire developers and designers that have mushroomed. In fact, the moment you enter ‘the bar’ to fetch nuts from the big black bear’s cage, you might have brushed with more millionaires than you’ll ever imagined.

Well, what am I implying – it is very very hard to hire good talents in Silicon Valley, leave alone trying to find a co-founder for your paradigm shifting, patent-pending idea. YC’s new move can indeed be a real recruiting manna for YC Startup fraternity – the ultimate to a near-perfect co-founder dating.

The hackers, the Desingineer with no business or product ideas, selected by YC are indeed the perfect ones who can be founding members of the YC Startups. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.