Why won’t index files deployed on Cloudfront work like it does in S3?

I seriously had no clue about this. It was one the most irritating thing while deploying static site hosting on Amazon Cloudfront. I had in-fact stayed with S3 for sites that had folders with index.html. Here is the solution for those who haven’t figured out yet.

I was recently deploying a Jekyll powered static site. During the test phase, it all worked fine being deployed on the S3. When I decided that it’s ok to move to Cloudfront – except for the root index, anything else inside a folder won’t display without appending the index.html at the end.

By default, when you deploy a Cloudfront Distribution, it will point to the location of the S3 Origin - staticWebsite.com.s3.amazonaws.com. Instead of that origin, your Cloudfront Distribution should have points its origin to S3 Endpoint which looks something like - staticWebsite.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com




I hope that works for you.