Praise in Public, Criticize in Private

Recently, I saw an Investor publishing a screenshot of his conversation with an entrepreneur. The investor (VC) was not happy that the entrepreneur texted him at odd hours. He ridiculed and told him not to contact him again. The entrepreneur was not happy and gave references to becoming Jack Ma one day.

Unfortunately, the VC made his unhappiness public on LinkedIn. He did not conceal the identity of the entrepreneur.

I was surprised that someone in that position, who ought to be more humble and modest, made fun of a budding entrepreneur. Such behaviors from Investors, Mentors, and Advisors are the things that create an air of discontent in the eco-system.

What happened to the doctrine, “Praise in Public, Criticize in Private”?

Whatever position you are in, the best policy is to be humble and modest. If you can’t afford do that, then silence is the next best option.