Have a Mint, add some Pepper

I have installed Mint coupla hours ago and I am enjoying it, looking how it fills up the space and the way it shows important information in a clear and concise manner. I have my eye on it for quite sometime but today I took the decision and got it for my site. My impression so far is very good and am likely to go for some of my other domains. With some of the cool pepper plugins, Mint is something I would recommend if you don’t have a seriously good webstats application for your website. I went for mint specially for the simplicity, the minimal but appropriate information.

So, go and have a mint and add some pepper too. Currently, with a price tag of $30 per site, this is a real steal.

Installation was also an easy one, I used the php_value auto_prepend_file and the output buffer, change/add few lines in the .htaccess file. And, that was it, Mint was running.http://www.haveamint.com/.