Stay connected

It was not really a good day to start off. I woke up around 2 in the morning Detroit time may be because my biological clock was taking that time as some afternoon in Mumbai, India. I also found out that the Internet connection was not there in my room. I changed room at that hour to a High Speed Internet enabled Room. At day-break, I strolled out of the hotel and the air was cold with about 12°C, I was totally surprised. The last time I checked before leaving for Detroit’s Weather was equally similar to Mumbai, so I was expecting a rather hot weather. I did not bring even a warmer cloth.

But the bad thing was yet to come, as I was sun-bathing myself in front of the hotel, I got a phone call from a friend I know but the speaker on the phone was not her. The speaker said, “I am speaking from this phone and I found your name on the phone book, and she met with an accident”. I think as my name start with “B” got a earlier entry in her Phone Book.

I was in a fix, not knowing what to do. So, I tried calling up coupla friend of her whom I knew but almost all of them had changed their numbers (I am surprised how can people keep changing their personal mobile phones!). The last best thing I could do was call my sister and explain to her so that she can take over from there. She did and the last news I got is that the my friend fell off a local train (Mumbai) and she hit her head. She is much alive, conscious and is undergoing scans right now but still waiting for the final words. Pray that she is fine!