Vongo - Choose Now Watch Now

I saw the post popped up on FullAsAGoog and MXNA coupla days back but it never strike me as much as it should have.

Nonthless, it lingered in the back of my brain about its relations to Oinam Software and yes, I was part of their Flash Team writing the video client-side encorder. It was not in my project radar as Vongo was on the CVS of Shcematic and not our Oinam’s SVN.

Danny Patterson says he worked on it for about 9 months with 9 other Flash Developers. I could recollect only him and Joey Lott to be the persons whom I recognize on the CVS Commit notification so I am sure mine was the minimum work of the all other 9 developers. But now, upon reading the articles in length, it is a great feeling to know that I was able to take part in such a big project.

Vongo from Starz is a desktop application that allows you to search, preview and download many of the great movies Starz has access to.


It is currently available only for the United States.