You might just like to be part of our Team!

Oinam team acquired by Nanocast)

Early morning of Apr 8, 2006 our team set out on a 2 day Team Picnic to Splendour Country, a resort on the outskirts of Pune, India. Ealier, we did our new trainee introduction to the team with a Movie and Bowling session. It may be a small endeavor on our part but we have been pushing our work/play culture to be more in the lines of not just a working office environment but like a college/university campus where people love to hang out, chill and work in the due process. Our Work/Play Environment Motto have always been People First and our work ethics What's Next.

Why People First?

This is rather my own axiom that if the people involved with the team are good, progressing ahead and are well informed, then the team on the whole progresses ahead. We do not groom our company/team to be good so that the people in it can benefit but we groom our people so that the company/team can benefit in return. Every individual in our team is thus very important; individual growth is our primary goal. If that primary goal is achieved the others falls well in their rightful place automagically.

So, why not join our team?


If you good in Technology - be it in Flash/ActionScript, Flex, Flash Remoting, Flash Media Server, Red5, ColdFusion, PHP, .NET, Designs/Visualization, XHTML/CSS - Web Standards, Technical Copy Writing, Project Management; we are eager to talk to you and discuss how we can push your technical skills forward and grow together. We’re extremely confident that you will never regret joining our team.


We love people good with games too. Come and challenge amongst the team with Counter Strike, Need for Speed and other games.


Some of us are real gadgets freaks and our daily work includes working with the same. So, be willing to be part of the team that work on applications for the likes of iPods, Video iPods, PSPs, Set-top-Boxes, Flashlite/J2ME - Mobile Phones and much more.


We have heard rumous that our pay/perks are sometimes much higher than some of the best companies in India and we surpass similar designations’ pay/perks of these companies easily. Well, a typical scenario of a good developer in our team shoot up to over 300% pay hike in 3 to 5 months have become normal for the team now. If you are interested in some bulleted list, then beside the free snacks, lunch package, medical/dental, leaves, we have others like