Serving YUI Files from Yahoo! Servers

Why should you serve YUI files from Yahoo! servers

Yahoo! hosting is optimized for fast response times, good cache hit rates, and the use of gzip compression during HTTP transport.

Yahoo! says, “If appropriate to your application’s deployment and its security/privacy regime, you may choose to use Yahoo!’s network to serve YUI files. To do so, you need simply to reference YUI JavaScript and CSS files in their appropriate locations on Yahoo! servers. When you do this, image files referenced within the default YUI CSS files will be served from Yahoo!’s network as well. Yahoo! specifies no service-level agreement for availability of these files, but the filepaths specified below are the same ones Yahoo! developers use for most YUI deployments ǃÓ Yahoo! hosting is optimized for fast response times, good cache hit rates, and the use of gzip compression during HTTP transport.”