Use of crowd intelligence to tag your Posts - “TagThis” Plugin

Ever since the first public beta of Wordpress 2.3, a nagging itch had kept me worried – “How and who the hell will tag my old articles?” Tags are awesome but ‘are you sure you have tagged your post effectively?’, ‘will you go back and be able to tag all your older articles?’

Well, I searched for a similar or near-similar plugins which can accomplish this feat of tagging by your reader, and blog visitors. Unfortunately, Google was unable to find me anything I can use. I went ahead and drafted a plan for a custom plugin. I approached few ‘awesome’ Wordpress Plugin developers and about five of them agreed to collaborate with me to come up with a plugin which we can release to the public under the GPL license. The good part was that most the developer were ready to do it for free. With schedule clashes and mis-timings with the other developers; I finally ended up with a kick-ass developer – Anirudh Sanjeev.

The development took way longer than anticipated due to many timeline hurdles, project clashes and yes, we got a bit lazy along the way. Fortunately, with a refreshed iteration of the project, a Wordpress Plugin to allow your blog readers and visitors to tag your posts (articles) is ready – “TagThis”.