Free AIR apps for Gmail and Stock Quotes

Rohit Singal from Sourcebits Technologies emailed me to let me know of the release of their two Free AIR Apps – GoAir and Live Quotes.


GoAir is an offline client for Gmail. Being an Adobe AIR app, GoAIR is platform independent and thus works on Windows, Mac and Linux. GoAir has everything in place which is required to access your gmail. You don’t need to configure POP and IMAP settings. Mailplane is another such Gmail Mac app but it will set you back by $24.95.

GoAir is network-aware and you can compose your email and keep it ready to be sent even if you’re offline. The next time GoAir detects an Internet Connection, your mails will be sent right away. However, with Gmail supporting offline mode with gears, one might like to weigh their options in choosing these apps. For instance, on Mac OS X, using Fluid, one can always have a Gmail App with offline support any day.

Live Quotes

I tried out a pretty cool Stock Quotes Mac App few months back – Stox, but it isn’t free and will set you back by $49.95. Live Quotes, another Free AIR app from SourceBits is something similar on the lines of Stox and can be a nifty tool.

Live Quotes shows you relevant information about company stocks - stock exchange, closing value, opening value, highest value, lowest value, current value, and change in value. Some of the nice features of Live Quotes are;

You can also use the built-in date range selector to view stock information about one or more companies between two dates; that can even be for a duration of one year. You might find it interesting that the data you see is the performance of the stock market in general.

Both GoAir and Live Quotes are available for free downloads from Sourcebits.