Winning Strategies for Linux Desktop

There has been a lot of debate over several blogs on why Linux desktop would score over others and why would it not. The discussion is undoubtedly going to last long. The Linux desktop has also undergone many a polls, criticisms and appreciations alongside. Unique features and robustness over old hardware along with performance benchmarks that this desktop provides has always led to Linux enthusiasts being very optimistic about the advantages of the same and is a reason for a strong belief in the operating system.

Few strategies and tips that make Linux desktop score over others and compete in the target segment include the following cases;

I found that Joe Brockmeier phrases the entire scenario very precisely. He says that the three important things that Linux desktop actually needs are applications, multimedia and polish. These three things have it in them to add more value to the users. The Linux desktop more than anything else needs an extensive support of its die hard proponents which will be helpful in creating a buzz and hence serve the purpose by establishing a strong word of mouth.