SimilarGroup improves Web Navigation

Earlier known as SimilarWeb, the web navigation tool is now called SimilarGroup. Considered as a start-up, SimilarGroup plays more than a handy role in enabling web users to find, share, rank and review websites, thereby ensuring that search engine start-ups like Blekko and DuckDuckGo can get all of the search results right. A perfect start-up navigation tool for a perfect start-up search engine. It took off in the year 2007 and its most popular product is named after its most recent labeling – SimilarWeb.

The Purpose

The functioning of SimilarWeb is profound and its primary task is to facilitate a web user in ascertaining a list of similar sites that he/ she first searched for. Blekko is one search engine which has tried a thing or two differently and making use of SimilarGroup’s SimilarWeb is one such unique thing that it has inculcated. Blekko’s popularity has recently hit 1 million searches per day with its speciality feature - searching the web using slashtags. Now with the addition of SimilarGroup’s service, Blekko has inserted yet another unique feature being - ‘similar slashtag’. With the help of this slashtag people can easily view sites similar to the one they searched for.

To make things easier, Blekko has offered its users the option of setting SimilarGroup’s service as one of their preferences, thus automating the process of searching for similar web sites without manually inputting the ‘similar slashtag’ in the search engine. All one has to do is click on the ‘similar’ tab-option provided right below the search engine and the site shall churn out similar websites. It is even simpler with DuckDuckGo, wherein the user has the opportunity of viewing the ‘Similar Sites’ along with the search result and he/ she has the choice of attaining 5 such similar site results.

The Working

Read along their own website and you will see how they exclaim that searching is good, but finding is better. This should put one question in our minds. Searching on web is always good for us to ‘search’ answers to complex questions, but how can we ‘find’ the answers. We cannot find answers just by searching. So how does SimilarGroup help us find answers? It performs analysis of websites based on several facets which as mentioned earlier could be user ratings, browsing trends, tag analysis, hyperlink structure, semantic analysis, and automated background research. SimilarGroup has its algorithms programmed in a manner whereby, it can produce a list of the most relevant websites to a given search query.

Here is a look at some statistical information which gives us a sneak-peak at the rate at which SimilarGroup is growing - “The company has mapped over 20 million sites so far, with tens of thousands of new sites being indexed daily. SimilarWeb’s Firefox extension remains one of the most recommended add-ons on the Mozilla platform with 1.5 million downloads to date and continuing to grow at a rate of over 200,000 downloads per month. Following this success, SimilarGroup recently launched extensions for both Internet Explorer and Chrome.”

Though SimilarWeb has attained the tag of being SimilarGroup’s Flagship brand, there are still more products (services) that are on offer from SimilarGroup which are as much lucrative as SimilarWeb:

SimilarGroup though a start-up founded in the year 2007, seems like it has achieved a lot considering the fact that it has identified a potential need-gap in the World Wide Web and having enclosed the gap with such a simple and uncomplicated web tool. Yet, there is a long way to go for SimilarGroup, by not losing its focus on its primary purpose and in also coming up with the best online innovations.