Bee TV - Merger of Television & Social Media

Have you ever imagined what fun it would be, if you could share your views and comments with friends and near ones, while you are watching your favorite television show? This is no longer a distant dream, as Bee TV has perfectly connected television viewing with social networking. So, for the first time in the history of technology, sharing the best moments of television watching with your friends has been enabled by this excellent application. To start off, the Bee TV can be used by you either on your iPad or you can also use it on the website of Bee TV on the internet. It will, however, be soon available with a host of other devices like the Androids, according to the assurance of Yaniv Solnik, the Founder & CEO of Bee TV.

Many people believe that with the advent of internet and online gaming, television viewing has taken a back seat. That is, however, proved totally incorrect, given the number of tweets and likes that some of the most popular TV shows receive at Twitter and Facebook respectively. Thus, this shows that television is not only watched extensively even today, but everyone likes to share their favorite TV moments with each other. With this Bee TV, you can watch your favorite show together with your friends, even when you are alone at home.

With Bee TV, you can tweet at twitter and make comments on Facebook while the program is running, as this app can be used along with these social networking sites. By socializing your TV watching, Bee TV has not only kept it limited to your existing friends. Bee TV enables you to make new friends with those who are fond of the same shows or movies.

You can also check out what the stars of your favorite shows or films have tweeted as well as see their posts on Facebook. Not only that, you can also get to know, which programs are being watched by your friends including your friends who are in the twitter as well as Facebook friend list and join in the conversations regarding their favorite shows or movies. Bee TV will also enable you to accept and send invitations to your friends to watch a particular TV program. Moreover, you can also get personalized recommendations that are generated by Bee TV.

This news is therefore extremely exciting for the users of iPad. The Bee TV, which is a totally free application, has made both TV watching as well as social networking more fun and interesting. To add to all this, those of you who are fans of any particular show, can also get to know interesting facts about the show. This along with the show timings and notifications are just a tap of a button away.

The present plan is restricted to TV viewing on the big screen only, but later on, it will also be extended to Netflix, iPad as well as connected televisions says Bee TV’s founder and CEO, Yaniv Solnik.