Microsoft & Nokia give birth to ‘Mango’

It is always advantageous for the all concerned populace, when two champions with different related fields join hands to work constructively. This has been proved with two giants Microsoft and Nokia. They have joined hands to create new and sensational Nokia Windows Phone 7 and the release is just around the corner.

Microsoft planned to include hundreds of additional features with their new Nokia Windows Phone 7, which has been nick-named as Mango Phone. The name makes it easier for the buyers and marketers to memorize a short and attractive name.

The new Mango Phone has been designed to support many international languages, such as Brazilian Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, and other languages. It has been to release in countries, in which Nokia has strong commercial base for their mobile phones. The new Mango Phone would feature many advantages like message threading, social media network and technologically developed tools for browsing. Another interesting feature of this Nokia Windows phone is that the users don’t have to use their hands for messaging, which is highly beneficial for the users. At present, people want to stay connected with the world with their social media network and this specially developed mobile should fulfill their requirements.

Group thread network helps the users of Mango Phones to discuss with a group they are involved and with this feature, updating a social profile or sharing withing the group will become very simple. The phone has the ability to provide fast and smart network connection and there will not be any delay to reach them. Linked email box is another feature with this latest Microsoft’s Mango Windows Phone 7, which is profitable for the users of this specialized mobile phone. This system enables the users to look into the history of their files and to continue from there for their urgent purposes. Sending emails is very comfortable with this Mango phone and this is handy for the busy professionals, since they have the facility to carry on their job, wherever they stay and there is no need to use their laptops for these purposes.

App connectivity is a special feature and this facility has been provided to receive information from the app and the users do not have to open them the apps for this purpose. Multitasking facility to run apps on the background saves battery power and by this feature, the life of the battery is extended. Local scouts (something similar to Yelp) browsing has been provided with this Mango Phone, which would be very useful for the users to find shops, restaurants, and banks in their local area and it is highly beneficial for the users, since they do not have to search for their urgent needs. Information about products, movies or events in a locality can be easily retrieved and their summary can be viewed using Quick Cards.

While the rest of the world is eagerly awaiting this phone, it is expected that this device will not have a healthy survival in US grounds (due to Android being the NumeroUno). I am sure, though, the device can manage its way to great sales numbers even without the states persons buying them; as after all, a product wins if you have scored in China & India.