Twusic - Tweet your Music

Twusic is Twitter meet Music.

After spending some time on Twitter as a user, you might notice that a lot of people share their music taste. But all this content only appears as text. For music lovers it’s great to share with others what they’re listening to but is it really relevant for their followers?

Actually, there are many tweets containing the #nowplaying hashtag, thanks to all the music services that allow users to automatically push their music onto their Twitter account.

Late 2010, Twitter started to include Apple Ping music information for those sharing their music via iTunes but, again, without the possibility to listen to that music, unless you already have it on your computer.

That was some sort of solution, but not good enough.

That same year Twitter started to allow “included” videos in tweets too.

On one hand it was a great improvement but we still needed to search for the right video elsewhere and add the link to it. On the other hand we all know that YouTube contains an amazing amount of music and, even better, some Majors are starting to broadcast songs from their own artists.

Twusic is an effort to bring music and videos together, without sponsored links or complicated procedures. We wanted to listen to music as simply as they tweet it!

Combine those facts and numbers and you’ll quickly get a Twitter-Youtube mashup that allows people to simply share the music they like. In short, it is a new way to share and listen music through Social Networks by just tweeting the song and artist.

Twitter + Music = Twusic

That same year Twitter started to allow “included” videos in tweets too.

On one hand it was a great improvement but we still needed to search for the right video elsewhere and add the link to it. On the other hand we all know that YouTube contains an amazing amount of music and, even better, some Majors are starting to broadcast songs from their own artists.

Twusic is an effort to bring music and videos together, without sponsored links or complicated procedures. We wanted to listen to music as simply as they tweet it!

Combine those facts and numbers and you’ll quickly get a Twitter-Youtube mashup that allows people to simply share the music they like. In short, it is a new way to share and listen music through Social Networks by just tweeting the song and artist.

Twusic, with its custom-developed engine, is able to find information about an artist, their tour dates and even who played it.

Launched this summer, Twusic’s got more than 350,000 tracks available shared by 320,000 users in Twitter with more than 2000 registred users.