About Archives Newsletter
SmartWatch for Children - Not so Smart
Foo Bar
Lullaby Language
Books of 2025
WordPress - a Personal Note
Commonplace Book
Facebook’s Red Book
Dead Internet Theory
Watch - the Tiny Handy Computer
How We Got to Now: Six Innovations That Made the Modern World
Dishwasher Eco Mode Runs Longer but Saves Water & Electricity
Cultural Sensitivity in Building Global Startups
Non-Tech Startups in a Tech-Obsessed World
“How to Write” — 10 Pieces of Timeless Advice by David Ogilvy
Locavore (2018)
On Deck - Builders Merge Grant
Modular Typography and Spacing Rhythms
I Block Ads
Cargo Cult
11 Simple Rules of All Self-Help Books
For a few $ more
Amara’s Art
HotDog from Sausage Software
Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF)
CrowdStrike - a Fire Sale
The Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential
Operation Endgame
It Depends
Apple Computer 1
The Checklist Manifesto
Leonardo da Vinci
Books of 2024
Plan the Years
V for Vendetta
Hacker News
oCricket (2006-2023)
The Eternal September
Scandinavian Design
Books of 2023
I let an AI babysit my daughters
Plain Text
Why do I Swear?
The Lord of the Rings
The Quirky Productivity Tip for Parents with Kids
Internet Explorer
Apple Polishing Cloth
Books of 2022
Why I sign-up with New Startups
James Webb Space Telescope (JWST or “Webb”)
Tape Cassette
Do not go gentle into that good night
Bluesky, a Decentralized Social Web
IBM’s First PC was Released 40-Years Ago
Climate Change 2021 - The Physical Science Basis
The World Wide Web - 30 Years
Rethinking Climate Change
The Story of My Experiments with Truth
Windows Wallpapers - 3.0 to 11
brajeshwar.com - 20+ years old site - WordPress to Static
How to delete all Photos and get off Google Photos
Most Crypto-Friendly Cities
Backup, Backup, Backup
Books of 2021
Ninu - A Saga of the Valorous Wanchos
Don’t Make Me Think
Weak cybersecurity – steps to protect your online activities
Fincurious - Indian Startup Finance
If you show a gun, fire it
A Non-Technical Parents’ Guide to Digital Tools for Kids Online Classes
The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing World
Books of 2020
Should Businesses Accept Cryptocurrencies - an Infographic
Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World
Pi-hole - Blocking Ads at Home
Libra - Cryptocurrency by Facebook, an Infographic
BITS Conquest 2019 Finale
30+ Cryptocurrencies in Four Words or Less
Meeting Startups at Conquest, 2019
5 Tips for Paranoid People on the Internet
The Dangers of Public WiFi
Books of 2019
What the Crypto - The Availability of Cryptocurrency
Technology for the Elderly
PlagiarismCheck - is it worth your time and money
Some of the Best Phones and Apps for the Elderly
Design Leaders
3 Ways AI is Contributing to Businesses Success
Books of 2018
Free Lectures (videos) from Princeton on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency
Education Centers should think like big businesses when it comes to technology
New and Interesting Augmented Reality (ARKit) Apps for iPhones and iPads
Praise in Public, Criticize in Private
Stan Liu
How product designers use Big Data Science to make durable products
Accuracy in Analytics depends on understanding underlying cultural mechanisms
Meeting the Startups at Conquest, 2017
4 guildelines to thrive and prosper as a consultant
How To Quit Your Job And Become A Freelancer
Three Things Artificial Intelligence did in 2016
3 Essential Steps for New Startups
DD-WRT, VPN and Apple Airport Routers
Artificial Intelligence, Facial Recognition, and … Fish?
Artificial Intelligence - Elon Musk, Neural Lace and the Apocalypse
Partnership on Artifical Intelligence to Benefit People and Society
Are you a Freelancer, an Entrepreneur or a Salesperson?
Artificial Intelligence - moving humans forward
Lessons Learned from a Lifetime Dedicated to Entrepreneurship
Manager-Employee Relationships - 6 Ways to Take Growth to the Next Level
Keep Your Startup Pruned to Achieve Optimum Growth
Great Accelerators and the types of Startups they work with
Startups Case Study - Why SpoonRocket Shut Down
About Entrepreneurship worth knowing
Pokémon Go
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Stop abusing Sass’s ‘&-rule’ while drugged in BEM
Setup Dropbox to manage your screenshots on Mac OS X
The missing step to all Productivity Advice - Disable Notifications
A Smarter WordPress Theme Design & Development Workflow with node.js, ruby, sass, bower and grunt
The Making of Autochrome v3
MetaRefresh (2014) - The Design Superheroes who uses Modern Design Workflows
Access Clipboard History with Alfred
Hello Ruby - Programming Book for Children
Research your provider before hosting your website
Hijacking Developer Tools to Optimize your Design - Grep
Why Startups should invest in Good Hardwares for the Team
Growing your Startup Audience through Email Marketing
How to be a User Interface & Experience Designer
How to use Icon Fonts the right way
Practical Typography - a must-read free book
Why won’t index files deployed on Cloudfront work like it does in S3?
Stuck in a rut? 5 tips to get your first freelancing gig
Typography, One of the Most Important Aspect of Web Design
Enter at your own Risk. Next Stop. Startup.
How to be a Good Parent, for the Lesser Mortal Startup Entrepreneurs
What Startups can learn from Iron Man 3
Why FCC decided to Reveal High Speed Internet Acceleration Initiative Globally
I used Trello for my daughter’s school admission
Olacabs, a bad User Experience
The Design of Everyday Things
A quick chat about “In50Hrs” with Vijay Anand
Adobe & HTML
Interesting, strange, weird way to save our forests
Filmography 2012 - remixes of over 300 Movies of 2012
In50hrs - The Idea-to-Prototype Event
Adobe introduces Acrobat XI
It was an evening of laughter at the Black Dog Comedy Evenings - Uncensored
Introduction to Gamification for UI/UX Designs
Vulcan Mind Meld for Locked-In Syndrome patients
Guys - Want a Gadget that’ll tell you when your girlfriend is pissed off?
Move Over Instragram - ForensicaGPS turns crappy photos into 3D Renders
Krassimir Fotev scoffs at SEO with his brainchild, Peer Belt
A Simple and Easy way to overcome your Twitter Addiction
Adobe Creative Suite 6 - the new face of creativity
Rosie Jetson - Coming to a home near YOU?
Dayson Pais
Germans Invent Weed-Killing Laser
Coda 2 comes built-in with Sass Mode
Business Intelligence with Retailigence
MissTravel - the Next Frontier of Digital Pimpery
How-to - Numbered Pagination for your Wordpress Blog
Congress creates (another) superfluous Task Force to examine possible Government
More about Raspberry Pi
Flex-tronics - The Next Hardware Frontier
Ever wanted to take a Supercomputer for a test drive?
AT&T has Secret Arsenal of new Location-based Apps
BranchOut – LinkedIn’s Biggest Competitor
Kenyan Entrepreneurs use technology to boost Trade Opportunities for Low-Tech
Mobile Phones – A Catalyst for the Future in Education
CrowdFunding - All about it!
CISPA - SOPA in a Trojan Horse
Respect for Android & Android App Development
Microsoft’s Patent power-grab
Tech Startups get much-needed Funding Boost with JOBS act
Looking to God for Uber-Secure Internet Passwords?
Facebook Fights back against Snooping Employers
Apple’s New iPad - Steve Jobs’ Legacy Continues
Doomsday Biotech Gene Bank - a redundant server farm protecting biodiversity
Facebook Commerce - Concept, Present Lack of Sheen & Reasons
Amazing Google Search Tricks You Need to Know
Google’s Updated Privacy Policy Angers Europe
Intel’s LibreOffice gives you Liberty
StockTouch app is Bringing Sexy Back to stock markets
Y Combinator’s new Gambit is the ultimate founder dating & recruiting manna
New L-Style phones from LG
Scientists developes Child-like Synthetic Voice so they don’t sound like Stephen
News Channels aren’t impressed with Twitter
Can Microsoft’s SkyDrive compete with iCloud?
Does Google Enjoy Rights to Delete Copyrighted MP3s from Gmail?
AuthorStream’s Sharing goes Mobile
Pffft Forget BUILDING your House; D-Shape 3D Printer can PRINT it
New Updates from “Google+ for Android”
Twitter-Yandex join hands
Apple to Greenpeace regarding their New Eco-Chic Data Center Plans, “this should shut you hippies up”
Google, Apple & Microsoft agree on Universal Privacy Policy for Smartphone
Social Folders - share your social content online
Character Entities Cheat Sheet for HTML, CSS and Javascript
Blogging - Nuances & Impacts
Setup Facebook Chat with Messages in OS X Mountain Lion
Android ‘Opens Arms’ for Google Chrome
Tussle between GoI and Social Networking Sites
Adobe Offers Cloud Storage Plus Monthly Subscription
How Bombay (Mumbai) plays Golf
3D Printer gives woman brand new Jawbone
How to make yourselves opaque to Google
Effects of SOPA & PIPA
5 Ways to Build an Online Community for Your Startup
SMART Earphones Invented - Finally a cool audio product without the Apple logo
IBM’s Innovation - Open Source EGL Tools
Google’s new Privacy Policy may Violate their FTC Consent Agreement
FBI seeks Private-Sector companies to build Global Social-Network Monitoring System
Move Over Mexican Drug Cartels - Feds say Google is the new Illicit (pharma) Drug Pusher
Facebook Under Scanner - Timeline Privacy
Spirit Enlightened Film Festival
Android Apps - Innovative Trend in HDR Photography
Raspberry Pi - Size doesn’t Matter
National Defense Authorization Act 2012 gives Americans a taste of their own Medicine
Is the era of Tech Blogging coming to an end?
Vendor Benchmarker Ashwin Ramasamy Talks about his Entrepreneurial Experiences with ContractIQ
Elisha Tan, digital skill Pimp and online Entrepreneur discusses her new learning
Occupy the Internet creates virtual tent city with The Global Square
DeSopa Circumvents SOPA – Despite its Anti-Circumvention Measures
nsfw-ish Responsive b**bs, err, responsive content with html/css
Bulletproof your self-hosted Wordpress blog - how to survive traffic spikes
Tool Mobile App Maker ShoutEm Mobilizer
Stop torturing yourself with plain CSS, code with a CSS pre-processor
Andrea Chang and her brainchild BrainGig
Social Entrepreneur Arunachalam Muruganantham Disrupts the Period Industry
How is it like during the first hour when your site is on top of Hackernews
Desingineer - the mythical person every startup is looking for
Robotics as advertisement platform
Online Film Festival - Spirit Enlightened
Entrepreneur Interview Series - A Sit-Down with Screenius genius co-founder Seth Cohen
How to react to “You’ve Been Hacked!” for newbies
Indian School introduces iPads for Students
JustRemindIt App is a helpful Band-Aid solution for Alzheimer Epidemic
New Mobile Real Estate tool Flaretag - an interview with creator, 10-year Nokia Veteran Daniel Arroyo
The TiE Entrepreneurial Summit, 2011
What makes a great Product Manager
LetsLunch brings Online Networking OFFLINE – bout damned time somebody went old school on networking
Screw Protect IP, SOPA pushes ACTA-like Agenda - in other news - holy Anti-Piracy acronyms Batman!
25+ Fun Holiday iPad/iPhone Games and Apps for your kid
The Super-Secrective Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Gives the Finger to Citizens, NGOs and International Governing Bodies
Choosing the Right Entertainment Content Streaming Device for You
5 Very Cool Travel Gadgets
The changing internet by 2020 - how can we make the most of broadband?
Kill a background app in iOS
3D TV Finally gets a boost
10 principles of Good Design
iOS Battery Life Quick Fix - As usual Apple users, not Apple, fix the problem
Do your Business need to have a QR Code?
Apple’s Passcode-Based Security Fairly Useless
Facebook Faces $138,000 Fine; World Shocked!
Military-turned Commercial Exoskeleton is Reanimating Paraplegics
5 Reasons the Android Tablet is Better than the iPad
Is iSolar the Wave of the Future?
Discussion over Windows 8 Tweaks after User Feedback
Ubuntu’s Next Foray - 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot
How to be a Password Ninja on a Mac, Windows or Linux
I’m Getting Arrested - App perfect for Occupy Wallstreeters or pill-popping, drunk-driving, shoplifting celebrities
Social Media Policy - Detailing the Concept
Digital Post-Cards from Hipster
Can Mangoes thrash Androids?
Why are iFans shocked with iPhone 4S Release – it is standard Apple operating procedure
Nishita Photo theme on Wordpress.com
Nexercise - gamify and make exercise enjoyable
Steve Ballmer’s Re-imagining Microsoft giving Microsoft a long-overdue Makeover
Boomerang - Assuring Email Delivery at Gmail
No cards, no cash? no problem! Get a Google Wallet
Digital Book Rental Service Threatens iPad Services
New Net Neutrality Laws set to take effect Nov 20 are Under Fire
Live On Campus Empowering Students Around The World
Twusic - Tweet your Music
Ecobold - Buy and sell natural, organic and green products
The Babbage Computer Gets Its Marching Orders
Google Wallet ensures no pick-pocketting for you
SkyNET Robot Hacker - DIY Mobile Hacking for under $600
3D, enhanced 2D and gaming takes center-stage in Flash Player 11 and AIR 3
Evernote - Remember Everything
Apple iOS5 – Brand New Features
Documentary Guide
Will love-hate relationship continue with Flash 11?
Diaspora - an Open Source Social Network
Size DOES matter - Just Ask IBM About Their New 120 PETABYTE Storage system
LG Optimus - Unique 3D SmartPhone
Bulkr - Access and Backup your Flickr Photos (Mac, Windows & Linux)
Jobs to Gates, Royce and McNealy - A Historical Look at if Apple Will Survive
Infographic - A guide to UX Careers
Cloud Computing and Phone security!
Quirky, yet accurate, self-made Billionaire Entrepreneur predicts Tech Innovation Stagnation
How to wiggle and arrange/delete apps in Launchpad in Mac OS X Lion
One Step Closer to the Matrix with IBM’s New Brain-Mimicking Computer Chip SyNAPSE
India’s Mobile Number Portability - Boon for Consumers!
Mac OS X Lion knows you!
Cool droid phones you should absolutely consider
Financial Institutions’ approach against Groupon
Most Popular Open Source Platform Isn’t
We’re not good at everything, we’re not good by ourselves!
Access and Manage apps with AppDok on IE, Firefox & Chrome
Key Tips for Super Effective Writing
Review of RIM’s Blackberry Playbook
Adobe India’s social initiatives
Invoicera’s new billing service for Magento
Adobe moves beyond Flash – finally
Patent Violation - Angry Birds Creator Defamed
Stop the Window Animation in Mac OS X Lion
Android Honeycomb’s Going Gets Tough
The Big Picture - Social Networking in India (Part II)
The Big Picture - Social Networking in India (Part I)
Where’s your Mobile Data Going?
Mac OS X Lion review by Arstechnica, Graphic Designer’s mistakes and Why you do not need to define “0” a unit in CSS
Hacker Group Anonymous living in Infamy
Apple eyeing Hulu?
The Village - time-lapse tilt-shift photography (Video)
Mastering Gamification by Gabe Zichermann
What you need to know about Carrier Ethernet
Copyright Infringement Case - Oracle vs Google
vSphere 5 - Technologically Superior, Financially Draining
OnSite - Engineering Your Electronic Items
Key features Google+ needs to challenge Facebook
Adobe Air App Challenge, Win $200,000 in cash prizes
10 open source web fonts, Techniques for User-Friendly HTML Tables, Music while you work
Is the Future of BlackBerry Secure in the Corporates?
Pagination CSS3 Style
FOSS vs Proprietary - Who cares about ‘The War’
How to Hire a Great Web Designer
Fotolia - Royalty free Images, Vectors and Videos
6 months with an iPad & its my daughter’s favorite companion
Startup Research, CSS text-overflow and why should you keep things simple
Culture Unplugged iPad Edition
comScore Reports - Users Adore Samsung Android Phones
Newest Supercomputer Processes 8.162 quadrillion Calculations Per Second
LiveShare from Cooliris
Free CSS3 Videos, Startup Marriage, Effective Minimalism in Design, Free Wordpress themes of 2011 and more
Are 3 cents worth an exodus from Verizon?
After Groupon, LivingSocial’s IPO is Planned
Top 5 Cloud Blackout Blunders
Google Plus - Hope, Not a Google Sham!
Mobile patents will soon go up for auction
Grid - a minimal CSS Grid utility
IPv6 - What the Heck?
Web Browser Battle Royale turns Dirty
Companies Hiring Entrepreneurs for Innovation!
UnPluggd 3 coming this July 9 (Bangalore)
Microsoft Continues with Office 365 June Release Despite Beta Problems
The New Cat In Town - Apple’s New OS Lion
Ahead of IPO, Some Skeptical of Groupon’s Value!
Get Smart with Small Businesses - 4 useful Cloud Tools
Microsoft & Nokia give birth to ‘Mango’
Bee TV - Merger of Television & Social Media
Google’s Transformer product line is building a Microsoft-slaying open-source Optimus Prime
Is Microsoft Playing Big Brother with their new Skype Acquisition?
Nokia Sinks - Is there hope?
Is Microsoft a Winner or a Loser?
Founder Institute launches the 2011 Silicon Valley Semester
Dhunio - Music for the Internet’s Soul
Your Android could be Exposing YOU!
Windows’ biggest challengers - Mac OSX & Linux
Is it “All Fair” in Google & Facebook’s War?
Android’s ‘Business Thrust’ predicted to crush Apple
Facebook and Google skew like the Ministry of Truth in the Orwellian-Like Tale of the Filter Bubble
Is Phishing Gone? Maybe they’ve just gone Vishing
A Blogger’s B-Plan
Business Intelligence & Analytics enjoy sales up by 13.5%
Facebook Returns to “Hacker Roots” with Open-Source Data Center Project
Fedora 15 with GNOME 3 & some cool upgrades!
Flash to iOS - Journey of a Video
Paperless Journeys with Mobile Technology
Microsoft’s New OS Mango Finally Catching up with the Crowd
mig33 + GREE = Expectations Galore
Valuable Tips to Project a Startup’s Financial Performance
Nokia’s Symbian gets OS CPR
It’s Microsoft’s “Patch Tuesday” today!
Firefox 5 Preview - More Social, UI & Tab Updates
Adobe Pass enables TV Everywhere
Social Media takes on Social Responsibility - India against Corruption!
Connecting Office to the cloud with Cloud Connect
Is advertisement a viable revenue for your blog?
Google locks Honeycomb in a box
Hackers find new Cybercrime Currency
Digging deep into 3D Smartphones - Do they really work?
Sharing in the Bliss - Social Media Marketing
Cloud Computing will develop rural and developing areas
Does FOSS need a Boss?
Cogito Ergo Sum - I blog, therefore I am
Google gifts its Blogger, a MakeOver
Adobe’s Digital Publishing Suite for Tablets
Search Marketing Industry - in a ‘Make or Break’ State
An open source PHP client for SURBL; thanks to the spam attack on nsfw.in
2010 - When Android & iOS became very ‘Open’
The Future of Mobile Advertising – 3 Strategies
The Homepreneur - New Age Businessman!
Open.org an Open Source for your Open queries. Is that all?
Quantity vs. Quality - The Google Algorithm!
5 Easy Ways to Alienate People and Screw-up your Life with your Smartphone
Clustered File Systems - a handy dope!
Startup Acquisitions - Phoenix from the Ashes or Mere Vestiges
Linux Splashtop beats Google’s Chrome OS to the Punch
The Founder Institute Experience
LibreOffice gives OpenOffice a run for its Money
Adobe AIR and Flash Player Incubator
Phone-y Matters - Is there a Downside?
Adobe AIR 2.6 for Android
Google Android vs. Apple iOS; Who will win?
Textually Transmitted Diseases on the Rise
Golden Seeds plans Angel investment for women entrepreneurs in India
Breach at NASDAQ; Computers hacked?
The global reach of Social Media
A Tremulous Terrain - Energy DashBoards
Microsoft - “Oops we did it again” 6 More Critical Security Vulnerabilities’
Google’s Virtual Facelift to Mother Earth
The Importance of Social Sustainability in Blogosphere
New tool for fighting Internet censorship likely ineffective
Nestoria - A property search engine, launched in India
Can Uber Cool Twitter mess up?
The Daily - No Paper, Just News
Zomato launches local Food Guide android application
Quanik - A ‘not for profit’ firm for Bloggers
TonidoPlug - the cloud-in-a-plug
Future of tweeting about unfamiliar subjects!
Win $5000 at Come2Play Flash Dev Competition
Successful Enterprise Complaints Management by UsefulFeedback
The Smallest Battery has a Big Future!
Social Media Simplicity - 4 Essential Plugins
The most blatant Facebook injustice yet
Open Source’s 7 Lucky Forecasts for 2011
A thought, about worldwide adoption of Linux
Take risks, calculated risks
4 clear trends to watch in Consumer Electronics for 2011
VALUE-able Facebook is now worth $50 Billion
Does Open Source have in it to be Numero-Uno?
Phone-banking services in India – bringing banking to the masses and a tidy profit
Great ideas don’t get funded by themselves
Founder Institute opens Global Admissions, expands to more cities
Ubuntu’s Desktop Alternatives
Will AppsGeyser just add to the clutter of useless Android apps?
Broadcom’s entry charms the Linux Foundation
Super SSD Technology
Getting better conversions with location-based SEO
Your virtual assistant is a partner, not an employee
India’s Software Developer Awards
Tuk Tuk - Indi-genius GPS Auto Fare Technology
CES 2012 - let’s anticipate Open Source
Why LinkedIn Groups May Not Be Working for You
India’s Model for Rapidly Developing Population Dense Emerging Markets
Laws bloggers should be aware of
OpenLeaks, a more transparent alternative to WikiLeaks
Yahoo! opts for Downsizing again, to Revive Business
2010 - An Orwellian Year in Review
Top Technology Trends - Expected in 2011
Tips - Finding the Best & Cheapest Laptop
2011 - Security in the Mobile Arena
Tech World’s Top 10 Mistakes - Series II
Tech World’s Top 10 Mistakes - Series I
Protecting your smartphone from malware
Will the Chrome OS be a flop?
Microsoft, desperately putting ‘The Best Tablet-Foot Forward’
iOS vs Android vs Blackberry OS – Let ‘The Battle’ begin
The iPad insanity continues
SimilarGroup improves Web Navigation
Yogile makes Photo Sharing - Simple, Easy and Collaborative
Google Maps 5 - 3D Maps & Offline Caching
Apple iBooks 1.2
Google’s Zeitgeist
Don’t take pagerank at face value in your SEO
Facebook and Twitter are not destroying blogging
OSX Lion - Make way for the King
Free Apple Developer Guides for X’mas
The new rules for marketing
Android for The Common Man
Dell ‘Operates Well’ with Open Source Software
Who says Open Source is NOT for Financial Institutions?
Love LibreOffice for Four Special Reasons
The Social Experiment - Old Skool is Still Cool
Apple bows down to Developers’ Demand – Reworks its ‘Apps Policy’
Notion Ink Adam - Home Grown iPad Killer
Galaxy S - First to get a taste of Gingerbread?
A letter to my daughter on her 2nd birthday
Android phones are clearly the future
Acer launches Tablets, Smartphones and Dual-Screen Notebooks
Opera 11 Browser maintains its Small Cult-like Following after 15 years
Fashion and You gets $8 Million from Sequoia Capital (India)
Bring your Web App Home - Get Fluid
Wondershare Photo Recovery for Mac
Political Pressure on Amazon leads to Wikileaks’ Suffering
Hungry for Gingerbread Anyone?
WorkFlowy - Flow with your Work
The iPad 2 - just round the corner?
Linux, ‘At the End’ of its PLC – Is that a Joke?
Public Relations as an Entrepreneur
Hudson has Our Trademark - says Oracle
Google Chrome Browser - On a High
Five Top Errors made by First-time Linux Users
Look Out! Security for your Smartphone
Universal Inbox - Hanging by a Thread
5 Most Useful Computing Tools for Small Businesses
Africa - the Next Tech Frontier
Build your lists and direct marketing strategy
Event Management made easier with Eventzilla
Choose a web developer carefully
Is 3G just about speed?
It’s about time Nokia ‘called it a day’ for Symbian
New Linux Mint 10 - Will you be lured into trying it?
The only social networking strategy that works
Apple, along with Oracle to launch Java SE 7 for Mac OS X
25 years of Social Networking - The WELL to Facebook
Don’t let your email marketing campaign get mistaken for spam
AT&T prepares to battle ‘The End’ of its Monopoly in iPhone Exclusivity
Successful financing in a recession
IT Geeks - Entrepreneurs or Drones?
Can Facebook’s New Messaging System transform the way we communicate?
Where does Open Source Software get its Payment from?
Search Engine + Human Touch and Slashtags = Better Search Results
Failure is the first prerequisite of successful entrepreneurs
Why SEO is not everything
Solar Keyboard K750 launched by Logitech at just $80
Using Trendistic for Marketing Research
Fusion Garage’s JooJoo exclaims - We’re Still Alive
Use a Recession to Create an Edge
Microsoft plans on showing off its ‘Cloud Power’
Are “experts” successful at predicting trends in the technology industry?
When the going gets tough for IT employees, they exclaim - Tough gets Going!
Don’t Let Facebook ruin your Brand Image
iPad’s Innovations to be replicated in upcoming OS X Lion
HR is now Social Media Savvy!
2010 - IBM ‘Brings In’, The Revenue
Put on those Airs!
Are article spinners a time saver or just a waste of time?
Don’t waste your money buying Twitter followers
Steve Jobs’ take on his Competitors - RIM, Android, Tablets and Notebooks
Can you plan too much when creating a new business?
Bright Forecasts made for Linux
A personalized Open Source Time Machine takes you ‘Back to the Future’
Adobe launches Acrobat X
Blame It on Google Sandbox
Victory with Patent Disputes and Large Corporations
Plasma vs LCD - Demystified
Collaboration Networks are the Next Phase of the Internet
Open Invention Network justifies Oracle’s dispute with Google
iOS 4.2 Firmware Upgrade
Microsoft’s ‘Open Source Strategy’ to manage its .Net
What empowers the revolution called ~ Android
Instagram - Twitter for your photos
Adobe BrowserLab integration for Firebug
Adobe AIR Apps Available on Android Market
A new email client for Mac - Sparrow
Scribus says Desktop Publishing on Linux is ‘Not Impossible’
RIM’s PlayBook vs Apple’s iPad - Who’s Winning!
HDR Imaging FAQ
HDR Imaging - Top 10 Tutorials
HDR Imaging - 5 Common Creation Techniques
Geotagging 101
Will the Commonwealth Games 2010 be Technologically Superior!
High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection hacked
Adobe endows Android with AIR Technology
Integrated Linux Configuration & Build Environment for NetLogic Microsystems’ Multi-Core Processors
The Future of Phones - Supercomputing in your Palm
Startup Oktoberfest UnPluggd 2010
Open Source vs Proprietary Software - The never ending Battle
Mobile Developer Summit 2010 (India)
Twitter - the Brand New Bird!
Microsoft Opens Up with Windows Azure
Adobe unveils Photoshop Elements 9 & Premiere Elements 9 Bundle for Windows and Mac
Monitis - an IT monitoring StartUp
Microsoft Setting a Halo to Revamp Video Game Sales
A shinier future for Flash (on iOS Devices)
The Next Smart TV - On it’s Way!
New Amazon EC2 Micro Instances
Facebook Founder forecasts - Personalized Sites are the Future
Virtual Office Services - On a High
Virtual Assistants - Managing Business Scheduling Better
Time Management with a Tomato
Intel here; Intel there; Intel everywhere.
The evolution of Apple’s iCulture
Google Chrome 6 launched on its 2nd Anniversary!
Augmented Reality - Get Real!
Ping! You got music
Location Based Services “Check-In”
How Facebook Scales with OpenSource tools
Inevitable Growth foreseen for the Indian Gaming Industry
Probable merger of SAP and RedHat - a slim chance
Wazala – A Revolutionary Online Store for Netizens
Internet Monitoring Systems - User’s Privacy at Stake
Microsoft and Adobe - Join Hands in Vulnerability Sharing
Open Source Business Intelligence - That didn’t impress me much!
What do we expect from Microsoft’s IE9 Beta!
Apple - The Cult in Technology
Ubuntu is Free, Better & Worth a Try
Dynamic CSS and DataURI to the rescue
An online film festival - We Speak, Here
Adobe Flash Platform Summit - 2010
11 Free Softwares from Microsoft!
E2E Networks - Low Latency hosting in India
Business Philosophy from Richard Branson
Taking back your life and enjoying it
Machinima - A New Medium
The Tablet Truth
20 years of Adobe Photoshop
Windows Phone 7
Open Source – May the source be with You
Facebook Chat on your Instant Messenger
Get Linux Certified!
Windows 7 - The Good, Bad and Ugly
Apple releases iPad
What to expect from Apple today?
Culture Unplugged - Spirit Enlightened
Google Chrome OS - An OS for future computing?
Shell Shock
Flash on the Apple iPhone
InDesign by Design
Resume writing for Dummies
Linux for Open Minds
Finding love in Sass and Susy with a Compass
Practical Intelligence
Unraveling SaaS
Get free WinAutomation License Professional Edition
Avatar Day
Mac OS X - Snow Leopard - The Cat is here
Emails to Google Wave - the expected shift
The Answer to Life, Career and Everything
Bombay (1999-2009)
Chicken À la Carte
Cloud computing and broadband for SMEs
The magic of Google
Is Nokia trying to fit in there?
The “Search for N” - Win a Nokia N97
More about Nokia N97 (this can be yours)
MNP for Mobile Phone Subscribers
Introducing the Nokia N97
Why Startup?
Business and FOSS
An acquaintance with Arch Linux
Recession and FOSS
Startup Review - iAccelerator’s HashCube
Winning Strategies for Linux Desktop
Economics behind the Open Source Model
Useful Tools for your Ubuntu installation
The Google-Linux Marriage
Truth Seekers - an Online Publishing Venue
SnappyFingers - FAQ Search Engine
Startups and the choice of Linux Distributions
Linux - a changed environment
Linux Netbooks - Cheap is good
Gaming in Linux
Linux is more than just a Novel Concept
oCricket in Public Beta
The Power of Ideas
iAccelerator accepting Startup Applications for 2009
Balsamiq Mockups - Smart tool for those who wants to chill
Open Source for kids?
Free AIR apps for Gmail and Stock Quotes
Open Source - What is in store for 2009?
ActionScript 3 API Reference for the iPhone
Great Indian Developer Summit 2009
2008, the Buzzwords that were
Angry Ringtone for iPhone and others
Green Unplugged
IIM Ahmedabad’s Leverage 2009
Is Linux ready for the masses?
Have companies started moving towards Linux?
Can SELINUX impose a better confidentiality over encryption?
Linux Shines from Silverlight to Moonlight
Replacing Linux with Windows saves £1 million! “Is it true?”
Atheros Wi-Fi rocks the Linux way
10 common mistakes made by Linux users
Adobe Design Achievement Awards 2009
10 Myths of Free & Open Source Software
Is Open Source killing small developers?
Fedora 10 Released
Can adoption of GNU/Linux help recession?
Linux and iPhone application solutions
Asia set to contribute to Open Source
Amazon CloudFront, an Awesome CDN
Getting started with Flex 3
Linux, Windows and Mac - The OS Race
Guy Kawasaki’s “Reality Check” for Startups
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3b adds to virtualization
To - The Outsourcers; From - The Open Source Community
What NOT to do while looking for a job
Open Source enterprise to facilitate University Education
Open Source Startups
Entrepreneur Journeys by Sramana Mitra
Startup Saturday
Stanford’s FREE iPhone programming online class
Mule Galaxy - Open Source SOA
Recession Worries and Open Source
A Linux Game Console
Nokia’s Open Source Symbian Mobile OS
Open Source - The Redeemer from the Financial Crisis
Open Source Coding - A new buzzword for college graduates
Open Source - Bundling benefits together
Cooliris for the iPhone
Firestarter - A modern Linux Firewall
Wiley Design Challenge
Vote for our Startup, oCricket, at Tata NEN Hottest Startups
Get things rolling with GUI
What do investors look for in a startup?
Bond will kick the living daylights out of everyone
5 best-practices of a successful Linux user
Panda - Video Solved
Why NBC dumped Silverlight for Flash?
How free software makes money!
Amazon WS Start-Up Challenge - Win $100,000 in Prizes
Top Free Linux Online Courses
The Twitter Song - You’re No One If You’re Not On Twitter
Download Series AA Equity Financing Documents from Y Combinator
JavaFX SDK says NO to Linux?
5 Reasons Why a Newbie should try Ubuntu
A sneak peak into Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex
Learning Linux the Mailing Lists Way
Funambol - An Open Source alternative to MobileMe
Apple iPhone 3G in India on 22nd August
Spawning does Django
Startup Ideas you can steal and spawn
5 steps to a faster Linux boot
5 simple reasons to choose Linux over Vista
Linux Community - Are we really helping it grow?
Effective keyboard usage in Linux
iPhone 3G, is it coming soon to India
Django 1.0 alpha released
Running a webcam on Linux
5 Easy Backup Solutions for Linux
Thinking about career in Linux? Part 2
Thinking about career in Linux? Part 1
The Continuum, a massive Flash Game
oCricket enter Private Beta 1
Be super-productive with Linux
Meez got a $20,000 cash prize for Flash Game Developers
Secure your Wordpress, mine was attacked
How about an Open Sourced office?
Handling HTTP GET Requests in Java Servlets
The Open Source Paradigm
Google, Yahoo! and other Search Engines will index Flash Files
Enjoy the Adobe MAX 2008 Experience
The ‘end task’ procedure for Linux
Open Source RIA books site - toString
Java Servlets, an introduction
Sharpen your Linux Vocabulary
Shoot a terminal and install a ball
Software installation woes on Linux
The power of ‘root’ in Linux
Filesystem & file organization in Linux
Get your Virtual Office in India
Which Linux distro is right for you?
The art of Linux
Ready for LAMP?
The Open Source Revolution - all you need to know!
Brajeshwar part of 9rules Network
Acrobat 9 makes it to Adobe CS 3.3
Culture Unplugged Film Festival
Acrobat.com - Adobe’s Online Office Suite
15 Must-Know Photography Tactics
Flash Decompiler and Optimizer
Proto.in 2008 Startup event in Delhi
Opera Dragonfly, Easy web apps debugging
Download Free book - The Photoshop Anthology
Adobe releases Flash Player 10
ZDNet, TechCrunch, ReadWriteWeb; They’ve got it wrong
Flash SWF and FLV/F4V Video is now Open Source
Iron Man, the Movie
Green-Screen Video Tips, Tricks and Techniques
CSS Variables
Adobe AIR for JavaScript Developers
Official Apple iPhone in India by September
Adobe opens Bug-Database to public
iAccelerator Summer Start-up Camp (India)
DARE - Adobe AIR Development Web Server
Making NSFW Safer
Twitter client Twhirl acquired by Seesmic
Adobe AIR and Security
Adobe AIR ready for Linux
MAX 2008 Announced, Call for Speakers and Sessions
RegExr - Free Online RegEx Testing Tool
Adobe launches Free web version of Photoshop
Adobe technology platform ActionScript reference for RIA development
5+ tips to a better Startup
XML-based Flash Development
Beau Ambur acquires FlashForward
Badmash behind Amitabh’s US Prime Minister candidacy
Sharpen your Startup Skills, the Harvard’s Way
Know when to quit the race
Adobe School Innovation Awards
Multiple Sitemaps on a single Domain
JAX India 2008
C/C++ to Flash Compiler
Adobe launches AIR, Flex 3 and Blaze DS
Openads rebrands as OpenX; Jon Miller joins board as Chairman
India no longer attractive to Big IT Corps?
Apply for Adobe Reader PreRelease
Adobe Launches Director 11
Adobe design challenge, win $20,000
Digital Editions 1.5 Beta
Are you prepared for the bonfire of the already hot Personals Internet Space
Fusion Authority Quarterly Update Magazine
Doubtsourcing the misunderstandings of two worlds
SnapGalaxy introduces revenue earning model
Developer Summit 2008, India
Kevin Lynch is Adobe’s new CTO
Adobe shuts down Stock Photos
Adobe Certified Expert CS3 exams
Use of crowd intelligence to tag your Posts - “TagThis” Plugin
Adobe Flash can modify Router’s UPnP Interface
Nokia skeptical of mobile-startups but hand-shake with big Corps
Apply for TechStars’ Summer 2008 Startup Program
Sun acquires MySQL for $1 billion
No Frills ultra portable laptop for under $350
Dell to reward $50,000 to businesses that use Technology to better serve customers
Nasscom-ICICI KP joins hands for a Rs. 100 crore VC fund
Java creator, James Gosling does his part of Flash Bashing
Hot tips to get the best of Linux in 2008
Do Venture Capitalists fund a company with an intent to steal
How to evaluate your new Product/Startup idea
Google updates Analytics
China has most incubators for innovative start-ups, next to the United States
Google Researchers found vulnerabilities in Flash
ActionScript 3.0 - It is NOT hard to learn
DreamWorks Animation signs deal with Indian studio, Technicolor
ComVentures merges with Velocity to form Velocity Interactive Group
Steve Jobs at home in 1982
Essential Principles for Good Web Design
Adobe announced BlazeDS, AMF Specification goes Open Source
initRIA, India’s Premier RIA-focussed event
Install Leopard on your PC, a hack to
Wishes to Larry Page and Lucy Southworth
Matter of Pride and Dignity; US-based Jaguar won’t allow Indian ownership
OpenID 2.0 launched
New Adobe Flash Media Server 3 released
Adobe Delivers Flash Player 9 with H.264 Video Support
A Preview of HTML 5
TiE Entrepreneurial Summit - 2007
24-hour Apple news video network
Leopard enhanced Coda 1.1 released
Flash Lite 3 available on Adobe Labs
An Indian Newspaper buys a Social Networking site
Brand new Logo of Adobe AIR
Were-Here shuts down
Adobe names Shantanu Narayen as its new CEO
2008 Adobe Design Achievement Awards
Upgraded to Leopard - Apple Mac OS X 10.5
Sales Engineer required for Adobe, Bangalore (INDIA)
Venture Capitalist prefer investing in Startups to Stock Market
Web video gone wild
Microsoft Silverlight 1.0
Podcast Interview with Marissa Mayer of Google
Enter the era of IPTV
Americans - you should stop outsourcing your homeworks to India
Who or what the hell is a Hacker?
The spam business that arts in cyberspace
Flash Player supports H.264 - the standard deployed in Blu-Ray and HD-DVD
Tiny Link - a Wordpress plugin to create a TinyURL for your articles
60th year of India’s Independence
10 tips to reduce the burgeoning IT costs, to a cheaper, better IT
ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook
Big Corps losing high executive to Google and Startups
Google Mashup Editor
US outsourcing implodes, India looking for pastures overseas even though it ain’t that green
TemplateBrowser is pirating your Wordpress Themes
Spam and how it all started
Adobe’s ColdFusion 8 released
Robots.txt, meta tags; Blogger’s Ninja Tool to control how search engines index your site
Jajah, the low cost global phone utility, comes to India
Nokia N95 - the ultimate geek phone
Pacman add-on for Firefox
Brajeshwar and Shanta got married on 07-07-07
Pownce; I got invites
Indian Tech no longer for startups that does sophisticated Technology
Bloggers unite for Good Fundraising Challenge
Techies Productivity - Americans 10 times better than Indians
Indian companies against Microsoft’s anti-piracy drive
Microsoft’s smart preemptive tactic by buying aQuantive for $6 billion
Adobe replaces FreeHand in favor of Illustrator
A blog article knocks $4 billion off Apple Market Cap
Java’s weapon to kill Flash, Ajax, SilverLight - JavaFX
Mixercast - intelligent, optimized, every ounce of Flash’s capabilities un-earthed, un-leased
So, it was a foreplay storm before the calm climax - MySpace acquires PhotoBucket
The bad taste of the Cell Phone Software Business
Get your Joost Invites today
CSS’s “hasLayout” and the devil within
Flex is now Open Source - one of the sweetest announcement from Adobe
Adobe instilled the “T” in Creativity with CS3
Microsoft plans to topple Flash
Google acquires DoubleClick for $3.1 billion
Indian BPO industry leaping forward big time
SWX - A new data exchange format for Flash
Subversion Best Practices - Quick Notes
Flash 99% Good
Pune - India’s first Wi-Fi City
Want Free Google Wi-Fi? Just flush it down!
ComVentures buys 19.17% stake in India TV
Adobe MAX 2007 - ENGAGE
Indian IT Company close to $1 bn contract
Twitter - short, sweet and sleek - Let’s get started
Technology, Internet Services, BPO, Call-Center Honeymoon in India about to turn sour?
Serving YUI Files from Yahoo! Servers
Adbrite introduces InVideo Ads
Are you a Programmer or a Coder?
Brajeshwar v7.0 is a “Beautiful” Wordpress theme
Vodafone takes over Hutchison Essar
I’m perhaps the 2nd Top Indian Digger
Prevent HotLinking with .htaccess
Wordpress 2.1 Easter Eggs
Watch your steps before you upgrade to Wordpress 2.1
Known Issues with Flash Player 9 for Linux
Adobe Flash Player 9 for Linux Released
Download free fonts and Dingbats
LifeHackered, Reuters-ed, Gigazined, Dugged
Donate to Wikipedia, Give the Gift of Knowledge
Jobs - Java Developers, CSS/XHTML Developers, *nix Admin
Apollo - the next Killer App?
Ad buyer duped by people selling ads on my site
Barcamp Pune 2
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Beta
Flickr Christmas Gift, Easter Egg
Progressive Disclosure by Jakob Nielsen (Usability Expert)
Barcamp Bangalore - 2006 December
Flash Decompiler from Eltima
Microsoft Windows Vista Wallpapers
Screenweaver HX - write haXe Desktop Applications
Why should you splice RSS feed with your bookmarked links?
CVSDude.org is hiring, re-branding and re-designing, join in with ideas
CSS Changes in Internet Explorer 7
MediaTemple did it again, (gs) Grid Server released
Ajaxified version of Brajeshwar v7.0 Wordpress Theme
How to get back Flickr Login after accidentally merging with your Yahoo ID?
Enjoy Full Screen Video with the new Full Screen mode in Flash Player 9
Brajeshwar on Flash Timeline - 10 Years of Flash
Google Image Labeler - real Game or a Game to collect metadata for their images?
My Fabrik - the marriage of an online and offline media storage
Search Engine Decoder
Is Gmail the Best Spam Filter for your Domain?
Nishita - another Free Photo Blog Wordpress Theme
Telnet to the Star War ASCII Animation
On meeting Baris Karadogan
Zinc - Win, Mac, Device Flash Projector Wrapper/Enhancer
Keyframer - a Flash Animator’s Blog
Flash 8 Essentials
Word Wrap in Eclipse
How to write an effective Resume How to get your Curriculum Vitae right
SEO Extension for Firefox - Not just for the SEOs
Mac Convert! Am I?
Fabrik opens limited beta account
Plagiarism at its height of cheapness - Indian movies ripping 2Advanced animations
Movable Type 3.3
Get the latest Flash Player
What are Microformats?
When, how to listen to Podcasts or how to make use of your old iPod?
Corporate trends in ActionScript codes?
How to build a bulletproof startup?
FontHit Font Tools
Wink - free screen capture software
Adobe Live 2006 - Mumbai
How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild and Got a life
FileReference onComplete bug on Mac OS Flash 8 Player & the fix
Google SpreadSheets! Google Domain Hosting?
Gmail for Domains overactive with Spams
Structure for your Flash Site
Geeks & Cricket
Brajeshwar v7.0 WordPress Theme
The Da Vinci Code
Flash Plugin Switcher is now Plugin Switcher
Yahoo! UI LIbrary Grids CSS
Spry framework for Ajax
Blinksale v2.0
Scrum - the Hyper Productivity Tool?
Red5 0.4 Release
Barcamp Bangalore - 2006 April
Email Etiquette - Please introduce yourself when you email for the first time
What are HDR or High Dynamic Range Images
Google Calendar - the best after Google Search & GMail
You might just like to be part of our Team
Flex 2 API Visual Reference - RocketBoots
CSS Naked Day - 5th April
Del.icio.us enables import feature
brajeshwar (at) yahoo (d0t) com
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?
Dia - Free Diagram Creation Program
Turning on Caret Browsing in Firefox
Adobe Photoshop CS2
Should you upgrade to Eclipse 3.2M5?
SessionSaver Firefox Extension
Flash Media Server 2.01 Updater, Dynamo
Escaped from a deadly accident
Personal Time Management for Busy Managers
Xombie Chapter 7 Thunder and Light
Gung Hay Fat Choi
Vongo - Choose Now Watch Now
How to make Meetings Successful and Useful
How to estimate a Project Cost more Accurately?
Titanium or Black?
Don’t Blow Your Beta
IE Tab Extension for FireFox
Dev Tools - The tools they use to run and build 37signals
del.icio.us direc.tor
Project Planning, Management
ActionScript 2.0 Language Reference
What (Gadgets) do Women & Girls Want?
Eclipse Web Tool Project
How to Use Design Patterns - Conversation with Erich Gamma
Happy Holiday Flash Animation
Flash Video is everywhere, why don’t you learn?
Has Flash 8 lived up to the hype?
Adobe and Macromedia
Skip Intro back with a different Face?
Firefox 1.5
Google Analytics Flashed
W3C on RIA standards
haXe Programming Language
Kill Bill’s Browser
PS3 Interface Screenshot
Crazy Frog Crazy Hits
Have a Mint, add some Pepper
Over to Flash 8, Studio 8
W3C Launches Indian Office
In search of the One True Layout
Ben Forta in India?
Webvertizement Wave
Flash Ads that itches
Brajeshwar v6.0
E4X or ECMAScript for XML in Flash
Dude, version it with CVSDude
What is/isn’t Web 2.0?
Condensing Your Life on to a USB Flash Drive?
Brajeshwar on Flash 8 Credit Roll
Screen Sharing in Flash Media Server 2 Public Beta
Newsgator Outlook Edition - Feeds, News Reader
Programming is …
File Access Denied on Windows XP and how to take ownership
Live Speed Dating
Thou shall back-up everyday
Flash Media Server 2
The Commentator
Flash 8 File Upload Download
Resign Patterns; Ailments of Unsuitable Project-Disoriented Software
Movable Type Style Generator
Macromedia Shwag Baton
Isn’t _target a passe in hyperlinks?
Mumbai Marooned (July 26-27, 2005)
Google Copernicus Center is hiring
Case Study - Automatic Stream Insertion
ActionScript Garbage Collection, a Best Practice
Rich Chart Builder
IFBIN, Great Software by Example
AJAX is a Cleansing Agent!
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Definition of RIA, the Rich Internet Application
KeePass Password Safe
Fiddler, a HTTP Debugging Proxy
FLVPLayer from FlashGuru
Why is AsSetPropFlags gone from the Flash Player 8 beta?
Obfu, an AS2.0 obfuscator for $1812
ISP bloated with Loopholes, Virus
Maelstorm, Flash Player 8
100 oldest .com domains
A WhitePaper on Flash Video Optimization
Cleansing your ActionScript codes
Mélissa Theuriau
Flash Developers can do More
Google AJAXSLT, Google’s AJAX Open Source
Flash Platform, Zorn-Eclipse, Deuce-FlashLite 2.0
No British Visa to Young and Single
Programming Flash Communication Server
Crazy Frog
Split View in Eclipse
ColdFusion’s 10th Birthday
A Web Standard SlideShow
Inspiration, Feel Good Factor for Flex Dev
Star Wars III, Revenge of the Sith
Flash Video Meta Injectors
Adobe will get Macromedia Development centre
Flex 1.5, an Introduction
CSS classes and IDs, Which one to use when?
CSS Library
Laszlo as an RIA Development Toolkit
Flex Style UI Components for Flash
Get your Free Flickr Pro Account
Sin City, Hostage, Sahara, Elektra, Hitch
Powered by Detroit, 2005
Stay connected
Scary Mandarin Nightmare
Lean Software Development; Make More Money
Open Source Projects UML Models
Powered by Detroit ColdFusion & Flash Conference
The Definitive Google Ranking Strategy Guide
Safe-Guard Microsoft Outlook Data
My Father Expired
Hackers Tilt PowerBook for Tricks
MAX India 2005, Bangalore
Why Outlook is preferred by Business Professionals?
Splice9 - Bitmap Window Resizer Component 0.1b
Class naming convention, Reverse domain
Debarred from MXDU 2005
Improvized Nigerian alike Billionnaire racket
Interview with a link spammer
Programming Flash Communication Server, anticipating
Microsoft Office Suite
Flashcom Video Player Source
Web standards compliant Javascript Flash detect and embed
MX DownUnder 2005, Me too in Flash
Mein Kampf
Brajeshwar.com v5.1 template bluntly copied!
Tsunami in 2004, Pray that 2005 is much better
Powered by Detroit, Flash, ColdFusion Conference
Crystal gazing with Flash
Architecture of the World Wide Web
Macromedia 2004 Holiday Card
Tranfer from Paypal
Application Configuration (XML) File
Picasa, and Red Eye Reduction
Virtual Girl Friend
Rajasthan Desert Tour, Dimpi’s Wedding
Hungarian Notation, No purpose in ActionScript 2.0?
Microsoft Uses Pirated Software
Mean Tangerine, Pixel Fonts
3D CSS Zen Garden, Graphical Illustration
XML Best Practices
CF Structs, uppercase and Flash Remoting
Diwali Gifts from Macromedia
Free AS2 Compiler way faster
Anjuta IDE
Nokia 9500 Communicator
The Elements of UML Style
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Whole city WI-FI-ed
Object-Oriented Software Construction
Remove HandCursor for Button or MC
Check for file recursively
Macromedia Goodies Season, again
Flasm 1.52 beta
ContextMenu, is that for 8Ball?
Naked Text-Imaging truth
PrimalScript 3.1
Hero (英雄)
Flash Resource Manager, Flash Help
CMX Suite Cartoon
Classed stage objects with empty library
Tune your site for Windows SP 2
Multiple Class in CSS
Spammers, the scum of Internet
Magic Framerate
Caesars Box
Cracking the Da Vinci Code
Are you afraid of the Dark?
Textiled Smarty Pants
Skype 1.0
New Flash, New Configuration Folder
Custom —Documents and Settings— Folder
Movable Type on Localhost
PowerFlasher SOS (Windows Only)
J.K. Rowling
Essential ActionScript 2.0
oh! I can invite more people to gMail
Customized Corporate Courses in Flash-Actionscript
I want a gMail account
CSS Hacks
EAS 2.0 - Application Development
Empty Spaces
Jai Hind, the National Anthem
Mouseover DOM Inspector
Shared Fonts Manager
ID property of the Image tag
Blue Jacking
Object Oriented Programming Oversold!
How to Write Doc Comments for ActionScript
Huge record intake by Flash!
Flash Actionscript Pro Contest
We wish Jennifer Lopez would return our calls
Skype, this is cool
Flash Development, e-Learning, Usability
Macromedia up in arms against piracy
FlashClash (India’s Flash Competition)
Macromedia MAX 2004, India Chapter
Peter’s Broadcaster in ActionScript 2
Better late than never
Ultra Pixel Fonts
Macromedia MAX 2004, India
So they were indeed Nigerians
Actionscript 2 publishing to Flash player 6
NotesManager - an online-offline Flash Application - Windows Only
SCORM, what is, what isn’t, Flash and scorm and SCORM FAQ
SCORM, the Sharable Courseware Object Reference Model
Flashing at the age of six
Alert Component, handling event in a better way
Macromedia Central
You blog? then better ask your boss
Bug in desktop blog publishing software, Zempt
Tips for those who make websites, quality websites
Nightmares through the Net
Active Content deployment Update
Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Magic
A fraud attempt
Actionscript Viewer 4.0
I have to share this tip - custom location of Windows ‘Favorites’ Folder
Flash Serials and Product Activation
ContextMenu; selective menu items
FLMX 2004 - export to first frame & preloading
History Panel - Flash MX 2004/Professional
Do not send me that worm, please
Oracle, thus spake the
Context Menu and the forbidden word
Internet connection through GPRS
Selectoracle / CSS 3
Audio for Flash - Useful Tutorials
Flash Paper
Then, now and later for BB
Separating Design from Content (HTML/CSS)
Macromedia Flash MX Certification (Designer)
Do they really hate Indian geeks
Buy blog shares
Macromedia Central, Flashcomm 1.5 & Flash player 6 for Device
Flash Switch
Component Skinning - Scripted Art
Actionscript Highligher
Camtasia Recorder live feed
Scenes in Flash
(mt) got a new look
Dynamic background color
Blogging in news again
w.bloggar v3.00
Valentine’s Day
Place all your codes in one place
Flash as a Tool for Web Application Development
TextPad syntax file for ASMX
‘Flashcomm : 2 more Components’
Developing Rich Internet Applications Seminar
Bitmap Shift passes away, amen
Firefly and FlashDoc for Flash MX
Use Mozilla over IE
Defaults in DMX
‘Flash Communication Components : updated’
Perfect Fools
designer’s day out
min-height, max-width, min-height, max-height
Full as a Goog
Macromedia Flash Communications
Team Macromedia
Flash Communication Server MX
Be Bevelled / Connect Locally
Periodic Table of Flash Sites
IE 5.0 + full Screen from itself
DMX & inc files
Move an MC around